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Boy Dies Of Dry Drowning After Leaving Pool And Walking Home

Johnny Jackson, a 10-year-old American boy from South Carolina, died at home on Sunday from "dry drowning" added than an hour afterwards traveling pond and walking home with his mother. The sad blow highlights a little accepted crisis that parents and adolescent carers should be acquainted of, that drowning can annihilate hours afterwards accepting submersed in water.

Johnny's mother, Cassandra Jackson, told NBC News in a adventure advertisement on the TODAY appearance on Thursday that:

"I've never accepted a adolescent could airing around, talk, allege and their lungs be abounding with water."

Johnny accept to accept got some baptize in his lungs while he was pond in his bounded basin at Goose Greek, South Carolina. He didn't appearance any signs of respiratory distress, but he had an blow in the basin and "soiled himself", said the TODAY report. He again absolved home with his mother and sister.

His mother said she bathed him and he told her he acquainted sleepy. When she went to assay on him afterwards she saw his face was covered in a "spongy white material". He was rushed to hospital but it was too late.

According to the latest figures, about 3,600 Americans died from drowning in 2005, said the US Centers for Disease Control and Blockage (CDC), including a baby allotment that die up to 24 hours afterwards because of baptize entering the respiratory system. A not bush amount of the victims are accouchement who died afterwards accepting a bath.

Dr Daniel Rauch, pediatrician at New York University Langone Medical Center, who batten to Meredith Vieira on the TODAY show, said there are three important signs that parents and carers should attending out for: adversity breathing, acute tiredness, and changes in behaviour. All three affection aftereffect from the academician not accepting abundant oxygen because of baptize in the lungs.

It would assume that Johnny was assuming two of these: tiredness and change in behaviour (the abuse blow in the pool). Rauch bidding accord for parents, because it is actual difficult to atom these affection in children, abnormally baby children, who can change affection actual bound and get annoyed calmly from hasty about and playing.

However, if your adolescent has these affection and has been swimming, you should yield him or her to an emergency administration to get arrested out. If there is baptize in a lung, the doctors put a tube into the lung and force oxygen through beneath pressure. The lung again heals itself in time.

Drowning is a cogent could cause of affliction and death, wrote Dr Suzanne Moore Shepherd in an commodity appear in eMedicine beforehand this year. Moore is Associate Professor, Administration of Emergency Medicine, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Director of Education and Research, PENN Travel Medicine.

According to Moore, drowning is authentic as:

"death accessory to amazement while absorbed in a liquid, usually water, or aural 24 hours of submersion".

The byword "within 24 hours of submersion" includes what has been added frequently termed "dry drowning", area the victim gets baptize in the lungs but does not asphyxiate beeline away, like Johnny, they could airing home and die later.

It is not simple to get authority of statistics on drowning, because there has been abashing about what constitutes drowning, and bringing assay calm beneath one term.

At the 2002 World Congress on Drowning, captivated in Amsterdam, a accumulation of experts appropriate a new accord analogue for drowning in adjustment to abate the abashing over the ample amount of agreement and definitions, currently beyond 20, that accept appeared in the literature. This would abolish the agreement "wet drowning, dry drowning, alive or acquiescent drowning, near-drowning, accessory drowning, and bashful drowning" from the literature, said Moore.

Having a accepted individual analogue would advice to accomplish the abstraction and assay of drowning in its assorted forms added effective, which would advance to bigger surveillance and prevention.

Unfortunately for Cassandra Jackson, this was not the case, and she apparently wishes she had accepted beforehand what she has abstruse back her son's adverse death. She said Johnny "was actual loving, abounding of life", he was "my little man", she said.
Source:TODAYshow.com, eMedicine.com, CDC.

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