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Scientists Explain How Alcohol Causes Hypoglycemia (Too Low Blood Sugar)

Scientists at the arch Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet accept now appear the abstruseness how booze may could cause abstract insulin beard constant in astringent hypoglycemia (too low claret sugar). This mechanism, which is declared in the latest amount of Endocrinology, explains how booze assimilation may abuse the animal academician by abbreviating the claret glucose absorption to afield low levels.

Hypoglycemia induced by booze assimilation is a able-bodied accepted analytic botheration in diabetic patients. However, the mechanisms basal this abnormality accept abundantly remained elusive. Since insulin beard can be rapidly acquainted by changes in pancreatic microcirculation, scientists at the Stockholm South Hospital Diabetes Analysis Center, Karolinska Institutet, evaluated the access of booze administering on pancreatic islet claret breeze and activating changes in insulin beard and claret amoroso levels.

"We accept now begin that booze exerts abundant influences on pancreatic microcirculation by evoking a massive redistribution of pancreatic claret breeze from the exocrine into the endocrine (insulin-producing) allotment via mechanisms advised by the agent atom nitric oxide and the vagus nerve, assiduity backward appearance insulin secretion, and thereby evoking hypoglycemia" says advance investigator Åke Sjöholm.

According to Professor Sjöholm the analysis is actual important. This atypical apparatus may in allotment underlie the able-bodied accepted hypoglycemic backdrop of booze in diabetic patients or in alcoholics with hepatic failure.

Investigators agenda that their abstraction ability aswell be accordant to "the batty metabolic bearings in diabetic subjects." Booze assimilation ability abet abiding hypoglycemia in blazon 2 diabetes patients getting advised with hypoglycemic sulfonylureas, such as glibenclamide, because abounding of these drugs accept a continued biological half-life. Furthermore, abounding alcoholics are angular and/or accept alarmist cirrhosis and ability accordingly be clumsy to arise a gluconeogenetic acknowledgment to hypoglycemia, Professor Sjöholm says.


Zhen Huang, and Åke Sjöholm.
"Ethanol acutely stimulates islet claret flow, amplifies insulin secretion, and induces hypoglycemia via NO and vagally advised mechanisms" Endocrinology (2008); 149: 232-236.

To the Analysis Group - KISO-S Diabetes Analysis Unit http://www.swedishdiabetes.com

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